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Git Merge Guides

Git merge helps take multiple branches and combine them. Learn more in these guides.

This is a collection of top and trending guides written by the community on subjects related to Git Merge concepts. For all things git, check out the git tag! Please contribute more posts like this to help your fellow developer in need.

How to Use Git Merge [the Correct Way]

At some point, a piece of code will reach a state where you'll want to integrate it with the rest of the project. This is where the git merge command comes in.

How to merge a specific commit into another branch

First you checkout the branch you want to merge the commits into

Git merge specific file from another branch

There are two teams working on the same project and they realize a common problem that was already resolved by one side, but the status of work in each branch is in progress and to make a merge can be unsafe.

How To Avoid Merge Conflicts

Merge conflicts are every programmers nightmare when collaborating with other developers on a project using git. They are bound to happen as long as you have different developers working on a project. They take time to fix and are darn annoying. Resolving merge conflicts could takes up precious man hours with teams that are very active. It’s usually a sign that there is poor communication and coordination among project members if they happen frequently. In the case were communication is pretty good but every now and then a merge conflicts crops up, is the subject of this article. What we want is to cut all instances of merge conflict if possible. Below I list steps to avoid merge conflicts all together.

5 steps to resolve merge conflicts in Bitbucket repository with git bash

This command will merge all files which can merge. In others, there are marked lines of code, which have to be merged manually

Git merge, merge-squash and rebase simplified

This is a non-destructive way, branches keep preserved its history and only a merge commit appears :

How To Enable Real-Time Merge Conflict Detection in VS Code

Ah, the dreaded resolve conflicts message. You've finished crafting the perfect code, just a quick merge in of master (ahem, main) before you submit your PR, and then... 💥

Git Rebase for Preventing Merge Commits

See "About Merge Methods" for Github

Gitlab: Create merge requests from cli

Me and my co-workers are working on a single project. Each one of us creates a branch for a specific task and after doing some magic we had to create a merge request to the project's main branch. Merge request will be merged after another folk did approve its changes.

One thing that bothers me, is that I have to open Gitlab and create a new merge request to the main branch, every time.

How Do I Resolve Merge Conflicts?

I don’t think I’m alone in saying this; early in my career, merge conflicts were the bane of my existence (particularly in 2019). I graduated from a coding boot camp in 2018, and during that time, if I ever experienced a git issue that I didn’t know how to fix, I would create a new repository and start over. In 2019, I started working as a software engineer with a team of other software engineers, so I couldn’t create new repositories to avoid this inconvenience. I had to face my fears and fix merge conflicts. No exaggeration; the experience would bring me to tears. See the screenshot below of me making a self-deprecating joke about mishandling merge conflicts on July 14, 2019.

My preferred merge strategy for Pull Requests

In every decent team project I've worked before (that had PRs in place), the merge strategy was to squash all commits into a single one, to be done into the master branch.

git revert, merge commits, confusion

I ran into a gap in my understanding of git and merge commits yesterday. Most of the time, the projects I contribute to work with a "mergeless" commit history, so we usually rebase+squash our changes into a single commit and apply those to master leaving us with a commit history that looks like:

What is your favourite git merge tool/strategy?

VSCode is my favourite editor. But while rebasing and resolving merge conflicts, I switch to Atom as their git integration is too damn good for resolving conflicts IMO. Just wondering what other tools/strategies devs use in general for resolving merge conflicts.

How to Prevent Merge Conflicts (or at least have less of them)

A few months ago, I wrote a DEV post about resolving merge commits. The resounding feedback I received from readers was: "JUST AVOID THEM." While I agree, I wrote the post for technologists who were past the point of prevention.

Git Merge con y sin Fast Forward

Por un lado podemos hacer un simple merge, con el comando git merge <branch>, que lo que hará será fusionar ambas ramas y traernos todos los cambios de la rama que indiquemos en el comando a la rama en la que nos encontremos actualmente.

Git: How To Merge Repositories

They are options for "#3. Merge them" above.

I think 1)-2) are basic and the others, 3)-4), are optional.

Should you rebase or merge to update feature branches in git?

You need to bring your feature branch up to date with with master to flush

out any incompatibilities and deal with any merge conflicts..

Git Merge vs Git Rebase

Git merge and rebase serve the same purpose – they combine multiple branches into one. Although the final goal is the same, those two methods achieve it in different ways. Which method to use?

How to abort the whole git stash process if a merge conflict has occurred in Git?

When popping out commits using the git stash pop command, you will have some merge conflicts sometimes, you can move to resolve those conflicts or abort the whole process.

What is the "best" merge request flow?

We all have been there where we want our merge request to be checked but no one is responding because they are either busy or don't check their messages. What do you do in these situations?

Early Merge Conflict Detection Across All Branches in VS Code

We are happy to announce that GitLive's flagship feature, early merge conflict detection, now works across all branches in VS Code! 🎉

Efficiently resolving composer.lock merge conflicts

This method is suitable for most common scenarios, when some packages were added or updated in main branch and you are trying to merge it into your feature branch with some other packages added. Assuming there are no dependency conflicts, you are good to go with this solution after merging the composer.json file.

Git-Fu: merge multiple repos with linear history

The other day I invented myself a new headache: I wanted to merge a few libraries I've built over the years into one repo and refactor them together. It looks simple at first glance, copy all the files into subfolders, add and commit:

Solving git merge conflicts with VIM

I use VIM.

These lines are written in VIM, and so does every single line of code I write.

Git has become an integrated tool of almost everyone in tech and merge-conflicts are often a part of work.

How to split and merge multiple git repositories while keeping the history

Step B is to merge these repositories into our new repository:

Solve merge conflicts with PHPStorm

Once in a while a merge conflict popups. This happens when you've created your branch and in the meantime your colleague pushed changes just before you did on the same line. Git (or your colleague) will let you know if it can be solved automatically and if not, it's up to you how to fix it.

What is your git merge strategy?

The default strategy, for integrating changes into a root branch is merge operation. Of course, if you meet any conflicts, you have to resolve them, but finally, the code base will be integrated.


Conflict Resolution: Git Merge practice

We're going to go through the process of doing a merge with a conflict in git. We will see what happens and then what needs to be done to resolve it.

Solving Merge Conflicts with Pycharm

Hi everyone! Today I show you how you can solve merge conflicts in Pycharm. Take care and stay healthy! :)

Git 101 — STEP 4: merging branches, merge conflicts & cherry-pick

Today I want to show you how easy it is to merging branches, fix a merge conflict and how to use cherry-pick to get any commit your local branch!

Do you merge branches locally or create pull requests for personal projects?

I kind of do both. If it's a relatively small change, I'll just (squash and) merge my local work branch into my local master branch and then push to origin/master, cleaning up my local branch locally. Nice and clean.

And then we resolve a merge conflict...

Unwittingly I actually thought they were something I could avoid, I thought there was a way I could outsmart git, hahaha! The word conflict has a negative connotation to it so don't blame my newbie response.

I remember during my BootCamp at Andela, we worked in such a way that you could only merge your pull request to the main develop branch if it had been reviewed and then approved.

So my genius way of ensuring I totally avoided conflicts, was to wait and have my PRs approved and consequently merged to the develop branch one at a time and that impacted negatively on my overall output.

The reason I feared conflicts was the first time I was ever brave enough to queue up my PRs I made a giant mess trying to resolve the conflicts and lost all my work.

Small Tips to merge GitHub pull-request into your local repository

PRO tip to merge GitHub pull-request into local repository easily.

How To Enable Real-Time Merge Conflict Detection in IntelliJ

Ah, the dreaded resolve conflicts popup. You've finished crafting the perfect code, just a quick merge in of master (ahem, main) before you submit your PR, and then... 💥

Unmerging a git branch, keeping post-merge commits

I work on branch-A, a friend on branch-B. Once things are finalized, we merge branch-A and branch-B with the master.

Git merge without commit in IntelliJ

By default, using the git merge (not rebase) operation in IntelliJ will immediately create a merge-commit. Sometimes you may want to selectively revert changes or alter content before concluding the merge.

Git fast-forward merge strategy 😎

So for this second stage, merge is much more interesting than rebase.

In this situation, all possible problems of “blending” the two branches (such as conflicts) were resolved during the rebase process.

Rebase and Merge Don't Mix

When working with git it is possible to utilize both rebase and merge functionality. These two can live harmoniously within the same repository history, but things get messing if you try to mix them together.

Tutorial how does Git Rebase work and compare with Git Merge and Git Interactive Rebase

Git merge is a method that takes all content of our current branch and will put that inside our target branch.


For example, we can merge our feature branch into our master branch.


In this case, git will create a new merge commit and will take all of the content(history, code, commits) from the feature branch and will put all of that into our master branch.


How To Enable Real-Time Merge Conflict Detection In Android Studio

Ah, the dreaded resolve conflicts popup. You've finished crafting the perfect code, just a quick merge in of master (ahem, main) before you submit your PR, and then... 💥

Git Merge vs Rebase

Suppose in master branch we have 2 commits "m1" and "m2" and there is a feature branch from this commit. In feature branch we have new commits "f1" and "f2" but meanwhile master has new commit "m3". These are following ways to merge feature branch to master.

First conference of the year : Git Merge 2019

From January 31st to February 1st 2019, I attended the Git Merge 2019 conference in Brussels. If you don't know what that is, it is a conference that is entirely dedicated to Git and its work methods. All the benefits from the tickets sales are donated to the Software Freedom Conservancy.

Git: Merge vs Rebase

If you want to merge the changes into your branch, you would run the command git merge main while still on your cool-feature branch.

git deep dive part 5: Merge branches

In the previous article, I explain how to reset to specific commit and how to recover branches. In this article, I explain how git merge works.

How To Enable Real-Time Merge Conflict Detection In PyCharm

Ah, the dreaded resolve conflicts popup. You've finished crafting the perfect code, just a quick merge in of master (ahem, main) before you submit your PR, and then... 💥

Git Merge vs Rebase

There's a common discussion among developers about how teams should use Git to make sure everyone is always up-to-date with the latest changes in the main branch. The typical situation this question arises is when someone worked on a new branch and then once the work is done and ready to be merged, the main branch had changes in the meantime in a way that the work branch is outdated and now has merge conflicts.

Thoughts on Merge vs Rebase

Both merge and rebase offer the same service which is incorporating commits from one branch into another, but how is this done?

The Branch & Merge Game

The way Git branches is incredibly lightweight, making branching operations nearly instantaneous, and switching back and forth between branches generally just as fast. and Unlike many other VCSs, Git encourages workflows that branch and merge often, even multiple times in a day. Understanding and mastering this feature gives you a powerful and unique tool and can entirely change your development.

Today I learned how to merge using the CLI. 🧙‍♂️

So I set out to learn it, and boy where my fears overexaggerated, you just need to run git merge <branch> from the branch you want to merge into. 🤯

Happy Git Merge coding!