React Props Guides
React Props are arguments which are passed into React components.
This is a collection of top and trending guides written by the community on subjects related to React Props concepts. For all things React, check out the React tag! Please contribute more posts like this to help your fellow developer in need.
Passing Down Functions As Props in React
Approaching the end of my journey at Flatiron School, one of the more interesting and hard subjects to learn was React. After learning pure vanilla JavaScript and being able to write an application with it, we learned the capabilities of react and how useful it is as a framework. With the transition to react, we are introduced to JSX, which is an implementation of both JavaScript and html all in one. One of the hardest things about the transition was the general use of the framework. In JavaScript, we had separate files for html and javascript. Whereas now, itβs all JSX and multiple components of an application. We are introduced to state and props, and the component lifecycle. Creating functions and making them work with state was a challenging part of the learning curve. I had a problem in a project where in the child component, I had an onClick function, and I needed that onClick function where state was, which was in the parent component. I got stuck on how to pass my function down from the parent component to the child component. When I was doing research on how to pass down functions as props into different components, I saw a lack of information on the web. So I decided to write this blog in case anyone else feels confused in this part of the React learning process.
Default Props in React/TypeScript
I just ran into something very... odd. It's one of those programming moments that makes you stop and say, "Wait... It can't really be like this, right???" It has to do with implementing default values for component props in React/TypeScript.
Dealing with callbacks as props in React
If we define a component as a PureComponent, it means, that it has already the
function, which implements shallowEqual between itsprops
Passing props in React using Typescript
I've recently been working on a project and attempting to teach myself a bit of TypeScript as I go. It's been.... interesting, to say the least. As someone who only knows JavaScript, the idea of strictly-coded types seemed incredibly clunky and foreign to me. Something that I thought I had a very good grasp on, like passing props down in React, suddenly became incredibly difficult! So in this post, I just want to talk a bit about how I've been approaching this process.
Passing Props to Child Components in React using TypeScript
I believe that if you are reading this article, you already have an idea of component hireraquia and the normal flow is to pass props from the parent component to the child component.
Destructuring React props for the cleaner code
In React it's very common to pass multiple props to the component. So it's no wonder that many of the React component functions interact with few or more props.
How to Pass Components as Props in React
However we are going to use reuse the same component and through the props we are going to change the icon's positioning and the button's background color.
This week I learned: How to mock a Render Props Component in React
So this little article, as the title says, is about how you might mock Render Props for your test suites, especially if you run across the following error while running your tests:
What is the difference between State and props in ReactJs?
Props - Data passed in from a parent component.
are read-only in the child component that receives them. However, callback functions can also be passed, which can be executed inside the child to initiate an update.
React props auto-complete in VS Code
Unfortunately, when it comes to React components, autocomplete doesn't work as well as vanilla JavaScript : By default when writing props for a non-typescript typed class component, you don't get any suggestions, even with defined PropTypes. It does provide suggestions for functional components though.
TypeScript and JSX Part IV - Typing the props of a component
In the last post we learned how TypeScript type checks JSX children with respect to a constructor's props. This time we'll delve deeper into the rest of a component's props and how those are used for typechecking which are valid when creating JSX.
React with TypeScript: Optional Props with Default Values
There's an example repository scaffolded with
which I've created for this post. Probably of most interest is the componentFancyTitle
which uses the default props pattern discussed in this blog post.
Use multiple interfaces/types as Props in react with typescript.
π€ How to pass my props inside the component?
Using Children Props for Authenticated Routing in React Router v5 and React 16.9
My solution is to exploit React's special
props and build a wrapper component around the routes I want controlled access from.
Typing React Props in TypeScript
One advantage of using React with TypeScript is that you can easily type the props of your (function) components. You don't have to use React's PropTypes because TypeScript already has its own typing system.
4 Patterns for Responsive Props in React
Responsive CSS in React has a glaring weakness: it doesn't allow you to responsively change the values of props. Instead of writing CSS wrapped in media queries, responsive props is a method where you specify the value of the prop for predefined breakpoints and logic exists somewhere that chooses the value associated with the active breakpoint.
React Basics β State, Props & Functional Components
Props contain data that are communicated by the parent component. On the other hand, the state contains private data that's local to the component. Unlike props which are read-only value, State is readable and writable by the component. It stores data that changes between different renderings of the component.
How to "destructure" props in Vue like you did in React
Coming from React, I really enjoyed passing down destructured props to child components, I thought it made the components cleaner and easier to read. Recently, I've been working a lot in Vue and thought Id share how to do the same thing we can do in React but in Vue.
Passing props using the spread operator in React
In React, passing props from parent to children components and using them is pretty straight forward. Let's say we have a parent component called
which renders a child component calledExampleComponentDate
. The child component will display a date we set in the parent component, so to be able to use it, it needs to get it from one level up (in this case) through props. You can see this happening in the example below:
Media queries & custom props on Styled Components | React | TS
Today I'm back to writing after a while without doing it and we come back strong with an article where I will show how to use
media queries
and customprops
inside ourStyled Components
, this is a functionality that I needed to implement for a project recently and I think it is positive to share it with the community. So here we go.
Default Props in React/TS - Part Deux
I must be able to designate some
as required - while others may be optional. (Again, pretty standard stuff in both React/JS & React/TS.)
Passing Props in React
Somehow, I seem to have lost access to my old blog on this topic that I had posted up through my school's website (during the program), but no sweat! Here we go again, a quick little explanation on getting started with using props in React.
Using Router Props in React
It is common in React to use Routes from 'react-router-dom'. One of the advantages of using Routes is the router props that are automatically provided with the route. These router props allow you to go forward or back in your application and are helpful for sending a client to specific locations when they submit a form, or click on a button or link.
Conditional React props with TypeScript
Relationships between React component props can make you feel the pinch. This article will be your road-map to conditional props pattern employed using Typescript. I will propose different situations and demonstrate the answers to these questions:
βοΈ React: Hooks vs. Render Props vs. Higher-Order Components π¨βπ¬
When deciding between hooks, render props and higher-order components, always go with hooks wherever possible.
How to pass props object from child component to parent
Before starting the topics let me tell me this is a hack I just found this today when I am doing my project.I facing a problem when I am trying to change data from child to parent .I remember I only know pass props from parent to child but I need to pass props from child to parents..Let's get started !
Pass props to an Emotion component
This is a quick post but said I share as I think it's really cool as you can essentially pass component props into your styles!!
Don't Be Afraid of ... Snapshot Testing and Mocking Forms and Props in React
We can spy on pretty much anything we like. Even errors when a component is not called properly. Let's say, for example, we had a component that needs a bunch of props with specific proptypes defined, we may want to test what happens when we don't provide them. So we can use the mocking function to handle the console errors like so:
Compare Props in React Functional Components.
Back in the day, when I was young (LOL), we use react 15, it was more verbose, convoluted, and lacking today's marvelous upgrades, but even when we have some live cycles you really know when to use each of them, besides the most important one "componentDidMount", there was another really important cycle to track props values "componentWillReceiveProps".
How to copy props in react dev tools
Today, while I was working on a bug, I found myself needing to copy a props of a React component, so I realized that the react dev tools did not have this functionality, after some searches, i found the solution.
React controlled props pattern
Normally, you would control the state of a component from within its internal state. But there are a few instances where you want to be able to override the internal state of a component and control the state from the parent component such as updating content when something happens outside the component. This is easily achieved with the controlled props pattern. For example, you have a dropdown that keeps track of its own
state internally. But we want the parent component to be able to update the state of the component based on some other logic.
Beware of these traps on state and props management using react-hooks
The TagList component state data have been updated, but props data have been modified too on both Components.
Differences between PROPS and STATE in React.js
Many times I have met people who have been programming with React for some time, and who still do not know exactly what is the difference between the ** props ** and the ** state ** of a component. In this post I will try to explain in the most entertaining way possible in which they differ and what properties they have.
React: When to use internal state vs. custom hook vs. render props vs. HOC
Instead of duplicating the layout, using render props for each section can make for leaner components.
Check for extraneous props in React (and save hours of debugging)
I have been doing more and more React recently and been bit by a nasty habit of me: passing down unknown props to my React components and wondering why it's not working for 10 minutes (OR MORE π€). If you've already done some React I am sure you'll understand what I mean.
Inspect Stateless Component Props in ReactJs
In ReactJs, especially for stateless components, sometime our coworker didn't write any PropTypes. Hence, it a little bit hard to know what kind of
shape it will receive.
Destructuring Props in React
However, I can easily write those three lines as one line because I am accessing properties from the same object. In this case, the
How to sync props to state properly in React Hooks
Its a simple component which accepts
. We pass this props asinitialState
to useState.
The Beginner's Guide To React: Validation of Custom React Component Props with PropTypes
React is a JavaScript library and JavaScript does not provide any type checking. You can use JavaScript extensions like Flow and TypeScript for type checking. But if you do not want to use those, React provides build-in type checking capability. To run type checking on the props for a component you can assign the special
React HoC vs Hooks vs Render Props in 2021
During ReactEurope Erik Rasmussen did a good round-up of how things started with HoCs, went through their replacement β render props β and ended up today with hooks. It also compares several use cases.
Use HOC, Render Props and Context to Build better components with React.
component remains the same while thewithStudents
wrapper now returns a function that wraps what was previously returned, making it a true Higher Order Function :).
Next, we will look at how we could use Render Props to do similar data sharing.
Render Props and Higher Order Components
If you're a React developer and followed the ecosystem for a few years, you probably noticed the advent of render props (RP), or function as children, lately.
Happy React Props coding!